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About the ESTEC Photo Club

Whether you’re a complete beginner, an expert photographer or obsessed by all kinds of camera gear then you’d be very welcome in the club. We offer the opportunity to show your work to other members of the club in order to get tips and discuss both the artistic and technical aspects of photography. If you wish for a more public display of photos we periodically arrange to display your work on the panels near the ESTEC restaurant.

There are also training courses which are driven by requests from the membership; as well as external courses from professionals we also encourage members who are knowledgeable about a subject like flash photography, editing digital images or developing film in our onsite darkroom to give courses. Members also sometimes get together to visit photo exhibitions which can provide additional inspiration.

The club has a range of equipment such as digital and analogue cameras, lenses, studio flash equipment, scanners and a well-equipped dark room. At the discretion of the equipment officer this equipment may be loaned to members in order to try out equipment which you might not use every day or before an expensive purchase as a “test-drive”. Playing with a new piece of gear can also provide the inspiration to go out and photograph the world!

The Photo Club is open to ESTEC employees (staff, contractor, or retired) and their families.

To join us please do the following:

  1. Send an email to indicating you wish to join
  2. Pay the membership fee to the club’s bank account, mentioning your full name and the year for which the payment is made
  3. Contact the committee member(s) dealing with the activities you are interested in

Membership contributions

The annual membership fee is €15 (€10 after 1 May, €5 after 1 September)

Please contact our treasurer Nicolas Girault for the payment options.

To discontinue your membership

If you leave ESTEC, please send an email to to let us know.